Soon Circus Company Soon Circus Co.


Award winning show

Gregarious is a wonderfully anti-heroic study of the human side of sports. The show finds itself in the space between competition and fraternity. Team spirit against rivalry. Based on their own friendship, the two artists have created a contemporary circus gem bursting with charm, energy and humor. With absolute superior physics, spectacular scenarios and witty bites, they explore intimacy and humanity within the world of sports.

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Patrick Miller


Patrick Miller

“Competetive drive, hubris and cheating goes hand in hand with friendliness, solidarity and the need to be part of a team”


“It’s a complete delight from beginning to end”

— Dorothy Max prior

“Amazing show, our audience fell on their knees. 5 sold out shows at Flow-circus”

— Pirjo Yli Maunula

“That was the best slightly homosexual acrobatic show I have ever seen”

— 15 year old teenager

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Upcoming shows

20 September 2024, 18:00Mostra internacional MIM de SuecaSueca / Spain
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